Arch Linux 2010 05 Installation in kvm guest


To perform a net install of a virtual machine called "archibald" - with 8 GB disk, bridge, sound support and virtio - to a remote host called "bareil", use the following syntax:

# vm-create -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -V -u archlinux archibald
Pool install refreshed

Starting install...
Allocating 'archibald.img'                          | 8.0 GB     00:00     
Creating domain...                                  |   0  B     00:00

You can use the option -t to print the whole command to be passed to virt-install to standard output before executing it:

# vm-create -t -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -V -u archlinux archibald
--description="archibald (archlinux) - vm guest on host bareil" 
--disk vol=install/archlinux-2010.05-netinstall-i686.iso,device=cdrom 
--disk pool=default,size=8 
--network bridge=br0 

A detailled description of the vm-create script has been posted in the openSUSE forum: vm-create : create kvm virtual machines

Booting Arch Linux

Booting ArchLinux Setting vesa resolution

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Arch Linux Live ISO (tty1)
Linux-2.6.33-ARCH i686.
Default logins "root" and "arch" have no password.
To begin installation, login as root.
archiso login: root

Automatic installation with nwminstall

The steps needed to successfully install Grub in the automatic installation procedure include:

These steps are described in the slideshow below.

configure network find out your IP get nvminstall execute nvminstall start install installation... installation complete

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After install


install of a 64 bit virtual machine called "maud" - with 1 x 20 GB disk, 2GB RAM, bridge, NO sound support and virtio - to a remote host called "gwynn":

vm-create view vm-create execute get nvminstall execute nvminstall sfdisk mkfs mkfs log core installation complete grub installation mkinitcpio patching config files installing user packages mkinitcpio

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