Fedora 14 Installation in kvm guest


To perform a net install of Fedora 14 in a virtual machine called "felicia" - with 8 GB disk, bridge and sound support - to a remote host called "bareil", use the following syntax:

# vm-create -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -u fedora -R 14 felicia
Pool install refreshed

Starting install...
Allocating 'felicia.img'                            | 8.0 GB     00:00
Creating domain...                                  |   0  B     00:00

You can use the option -t to print the whole command to be passed to virt-install to standard output before executing it:

# vm-create -t -c bareil -s 8 -S -b br0 -u fedora -R 14 felicia
--description="felicia (fedora 14) - vm guest on host bareil" 
--disk vol=install/Fedora-14-i386-netinst.iso,device=cdrom 
--disk pool=default,size=8 
--network bridge=br0

iso URL: ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/14/Fedora/i386/iso/

A detailled description of the vm-create script has been posted in the openSUSE forum: vm-create : create kvm virtual machines.

* Notice that the option --boot=cdrom,hd,network is not available on virt-install version prior to 5003.

Booting Fedora

Grub prompt vga=771...

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Installing Fedora

Booting... Skipping media test... Found local installation media Anaconda... What language would you like to use during the installation process?. Select the appropriate keyboard for the system What type of devices will your installation involve? This device need to be reinitialized Please name this computer... Network connections Editing system eth0... Editing system eth0... Network connections Please name this computer... Please select the nearest city in your time zone Enter a password for the root user Which type of installation would you like? Partitioning Create Storage Add Partition Partitioning Create Storage Add Partition Partitioning Create Storage Add Partition Partitioning Format warnings Confirm Formating Boot loader configuration Installation Progress Installation Progress Select set of software Dependency Check... Installation Starting Installing... Installing... Installing bootloader... Installion complete

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